Saturday 19 October 2013

TFS proxy server configuration in Visual Studio

If you work in a larger team that uses TFS for source control, then most likely your admins have setup a TFS proxy server to improve TFS performance for you as a TFS user.

Using TFS proxy server makes file downloads faster if the source files you are accessing is recently/frequently fetched.

Note the name of your TFS proxy server and follow below steps to configure using it in Visual Studio:

  1. Open Visual Studio and select Tools -> Options
  2. In the Options box, click on "Source Control" node and from the drop down select "Visual Studio Team Foundation Server" as "Current source control plug-in"
  3. Next click on "Visual Studio Team Foundation Server" node within "Source Control" node on left hand side and enable the "Use proxy server for file downloads" checkbox
  4. Enter the proxy server name and port number respectively
  5. Click OK
Your proxy configuration will take effect and next Get operation will go through proxy.
Note that if a Get operation is performed during configuring the proxy server, there is a chance that Visual Studio might have to be restarted for proxy to take effect.

Hope this helps.

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